Source code for coroica.uwedgeica

# coding: utf-8
Implementation of the NSS uwedgeICA algorithms used for comparison in
coroICA: Independent component analysis for grouped data
N Pfister*, S Weichwald*, P Bühlmann, B Schölkopf
from .utils import autocov
from .utils import rigidgroup as rigidpartition
from .uwedge import uwedge
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.utils import check_X_y, check_array
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
import warnings

[docs]class UwedgeICA(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """uwedgeICA transformer Parameters ---------- n_components : int, optional Number of components to extract. If none is passed, the same number of components as the input has dimensions is used. n_components_uwedge : int, optional Number of components to extract during uwedge approximate joint diagonalization of the matrices. If none is passed, the same number of components as the input has dimensions is used. rank_components : boolean, optional When true, the components will be ordered in decreasing stability. partitionsize : int or list of int, optional Approximately how many samples, when doing a rigid grid, should be in each partition. If none is passed, a (hopefully sane) default is used unless partition_index is passed during fitting in which case the provided partition index is used. timelags : list of strictly positive ints, optional List of time lags to be considered for computing lagged covariance matrices. instantcov : boolean, optional If False, no non-lagged instant (lag = 0) covariance matrices are used. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for the uwedge approximate joint diagonalisation during fitting. tol : float, optional Tolerance for terminating the uwedge approximate joint diagonalisation during fitting. minimize_loss : boolean, optional If True at each iteration the loss of the uwedge approximate joint diagonalisation is computed (computationally expensive) and after convergence the V with minimal loss along the optimisation path is returned instead of the terminal V. condition_threshold : int, optional (default=None) If int, the uwedge iteration is stopped when the condition number of the unmixing matrix grows beyond condition_threshold. If None, no such condition number check is performed. skip_sklearn_checks: boolean, optional (default=False) If True, the sklearn checks check_array and check_X_y are being skipped. This enables complex value support; sklearn does not support complex values and check_array and check_X_y would throw a ValueError. As also the other sanity checks performed in check_array and check_X_y are being skipped, special caution is required when enabling this option. Attributes ---------- V_ : array, shape (n, n_features) The unmixing matrix; where n=n_features if n_components and n_components_uwedge are None, n=n_components_uwedge if n_components is None, and n=n_components otherwise. converged_ : boolean Whether the approximate joint diagonalisation converged due to tol. n_iter_ : int Number of iterations of the approximate joint diagonalisation. meanoffdiag_ : float Mean absolute value of the off-diagonal values of the to be jointly diagonalised matrices, i.e., a proxy of the approximate joint diagonalisation objective function. """ def __init__(self, n_components=None, n_components_uwedge=None, rank_components=False, partitionsize=None, timelags=None, instantcov=True, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-12, minimize_loss=False, condition_threshold=None, skip_sklearn_checks=False): self.n_components = n_components self.n_components_uwedge = n_components_uwedge self.rank_components = rank_components self.partitionsize = partitionsize self.timelags = timelags self.instantcov = instantcov self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.minimize_loss = minimize_loss self.condition_threshold = condition_threshold self.skip_sklearn_checks = skip_sklearn_checks if self.timelags is None and not self.instantcov: warnings.warn('timelags=None and instantcov=True results in the ' 'identity transformer, since no (lagged) covariance ' 'matrices are to be diagonalised.', UserWarning)
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None, partition_index=None): """Fit the model Parameters ---------- X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features) where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : Ignored. partition_index : array, optional, shape (n_samples,) Codes for each sample which partition it belongs to; if no partition index is provided a rigid grid with self.partitionsize_ samples per partition within each group is used (which has a (hopefully sane) default if self.partitionsize_ was not set). Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ if not self.skip_sklearn_checks: X = check_array(X, ensure_2d=True) n, dim = X.shape if (n <= 1 or dim <= 1 or (self.timelags is None and not self.instantcov)): self.V_ = np.eye(dim) return self # generate partition index as needed if partition_index is None and self.partitionsize is None: partition_indices = [rigidpartition( n, np.max([dim, n // 2]))] elif partition_index is None and type(self.partitionsize) == list: partition_indices = [rigidpartition(n, partsize) for partsize in self.partitionsize] elif partition_index is None: partition_indices = [rigidpartition(n, self.partitionsize)] else: partition_indices = [partition_index] if not self.skip_sklearn_checks: for partition_index in partition_indices: X, partition_index = check_X_y(X, partition_index) X = X.T # computing covariance matrices no_partitions = 0 for partition_index in partition_indices: no_partitions += len(np.unique(partition_index)) timelags = [] if self.instantcov: timelags.append(0) if self.timelags is not None: timelags.extend(self.timelags) no_timelags = len(timelags) covmats = np.empty((no_partitions * no_timelags, dim, dim), dtype=X.dtype) idx = 0 for partition_index in partition_indices: for partition in np.unique(partition_index): ind = (partition_index == partition) for timelag in timelags: covmats[idx, :, :] = autocov(X[:, ind], lag=timelag) idx += 1 Rx0 = np.cov(X) # joint diagonalisation self.V_, self.converged_, self.n_iter_, self.meanoffdiag_ = uwedge( covmats, Rx0=Rx0, eps=self.tol, minimize_loss=self.minimize_loss, n_iter_max=self.max_iter, n_components=self.n_components_uwedge, condition_threshold=self.condition_threshold) # normalise V normaliser = np.diag( self.V_ = self.V_ / ( np.sign(normaliser) * np.sqrt(np.abs(normaliser)))[:, None] # rank components if self.rank_components or self.n_components is not None: A = linalg.pinv(self.V_) colcorrs = np.zeros(self.V_.shape[0]) # running average for k in range(covmats.shape[0]): colcorrs += np.abs(np.corrcoef( A.T,[k, ...].T) )[:dim, dim:].diagonal() / covmats.shape[0]) sorting = np.argsort(colcorrs)[::-1] self.V_ = self.V_[sorting, :] if self.n_components is not None: self.V_ = self.V_[:self.n_components, :] return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """Returns the data projected onto the fitted components Parameters ---------- X : array, shape (n_samples, n_features) where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. Returns ------- X_transformed : array, shape (n_samples, n_components) """ check_is_fitted(self, ['V_']) if not self.skip_sklearn_checks: X = check_array(X) return